एम.व्ही.पी. समाजाचे

के. टी. एच. एम. महाविद्यालय, नाशिक

(के.आर.टी. कला, बी.एच. वाणिज्य व ए.एम. विज्ञान महाविद्यालय.)


K.T.H.M. COLLEGE, Nashik

(K.R.T. Arts, B.H. Commerce and A.M. Science College.)

Bio-Technology Research & publication

  1. Amanpreet K.Sidhu, Sucheta N. Patil and Vishwas B. Gaikwad. Direct binding and characterization of laccase onto iron oxide nanoparticles. Nanotechnology.2024.Vol 35; 1-12, ISSN 1361-6528(Impact factor 3.5),
  2. Swateja S. Deshmukh, Padmini S.Wagh and Sucheta Patil. Study of Antimicrobial, Antioxidant and Photocatalytic Decolorization Activity of Bacteriologically Synthesized Zinc Oxide (ZnO) Nanoparticles . Research Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 2022. Vol 13 (03); 823-828 UGC listed .ISSN No.0976-1675
  3. Swateja S Deshmukh, Padmini S Wagh and Sucheta Patil. Extracellular Green Synthesis and Characterization of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles using Bacillus subtilis co authors- Research Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 2022 . Vol 13 (03); 349-353 UGC listed. ISSN No.0976-1675
  4. Padmini S Wagh, Swateja S Deshmukh and Sucheta Patil. Isolation of Rhizobacteria spp. and its effect on the Growth of Glycine max (L.) Merr. Research Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 2022.Vol-13 (03), 801-807 UGC listed. ISSN No.0976-1675
  5. Leena P. Pathak, .Gaikwad V.and Sucheta Patil. Study of Different Forms of Microbial Fuel Cell Technology (MFC) for Generation of Electricity from Dairy Effluent Using a Microbial Consortium. Pollution Research. 2021. 40(2).535-541 UGC listed. ISSN No.0257-8050
  6. M. J. Rathod, V. B. Gaikwad and S.N. Patil. Optimization of biosurfactant production fromB.licheniformis and studies on its anti-adhesive property Ecology, Environment &Conservation. 2019. 25: 286-294 UGC listed. ISSN No.0971-765X (Impact factor- 0.266)
  7. Sucheta N Patil. Pseudomonas aeruginosa: A Potent Biosurfactant Producer for enchancd Oil Recovery. Journal for Advance Research in Applied Sciences.2016.3:10-20. E-ISSN No. 2394-8442
  8. Borawake A., Gaikwad V. and Patil S.Kamra Assessment of Ground Water Quality of Pathardi Region of Nashik, Maharashtra, India. International Journal of Science and Research. 2015.4(7):1832-1836. ISSN No.2319-7049 (Research Gate Impact factor 0.23)
  9. Borawake A., Gaikwad V., Patil S. and Kamra A. Evaluation of Heavy Metal Contamination in Ground Water of Ambad Industrial Area of Nashik, Maharashtra, India. International Journal of Science and Research. 2015. 4(7):1826-1831ISSN No.2319-7064 (Research Gate Impact factor 0.23)
  10. Pethkar A.V., Lele P., Patil S.N., Ramdasi A andKalmani S. Standardization of a rapid and inexpensive in-vitro cytotoxicity assay. Journal Of Environmental Research And Development.2012. 6(3A):645-652. ISSN No. 0973-6921(Impact factor 0.607)
  11. Pethkar A. V., Kale K., Belgaonkar P., Bagul V., Kale V.S. and Patil S.N.A microbiological process for combined bioelectricity production and wastewater treatment using Staphyllococcus sp. Journal of Environmental Research and Development. 2012.6(3A):594-600.ISSN No. 0973-6921(Impact factor 0.607)
  12. Girase M ,Gaikwad V and Patil S N.Characterization of extracellular protease from Vibrio metschnikoviii strain XMB057.Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies. 4(36):6892-6900. UGC listed. ISSN No. 2319-4766
  13. Bhavana V. Mohite, Sunil H. Koli, Chandrakant P. Narkhede, Sucheta N. Patil and Satish V. Patil.Prospective of Microbial Exopolysaccharide for Heavy Metal Exclusion.Applied Biochemistry Biotechnology. 2017. 183(2):582–600. UGC listed. ISSN No. 0273- 2289(Impact factor 1.606)
  14. Girase M S, Patil S N and Gaikwad V B. Invitro study on Biocontrol Potential of Trichoderma harzianum Mutants on Fungal Pathogen Challenged Moth Bean (Vignaaconitifolia L.) Plant. Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies. 6(21):145-150. UGC listed. ISSN No. 2319-4766
  15. Amanpreet K Sidhu, Sonali B Darade, Praneeta P Bhavsar,Vishwas B Gaikwad and Sucheta N Patil. Isolation,Screening and Optimization for Laccase production by Scytalidiumlignicolapesnate under submerged fermentation.International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences. 2017.6(4):2477-249. UGC listed. ISSN No. 2319-7706
  16. Rahul B. Salunke, Hemant P. Borase, Chandrashekhar D. Patil, SuchetaN.Patil and SatishV.Patil. Effect of Different Carbon Sources on Morphology and Silver Accumulation in Cochlioboluslunatus. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology.2015. 117:1409-1423 UGC listed. ISSN No. 0273-2289 (Impact factor 1.606)
  17. Sidhu A.K., Metkar G., Nandurikar S. andPatil S.N. An investigation on metal tolerance and antibiotic resistance properties of bacterial strains isolated from two different drinking water sources. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Science. 2015. 4(2):305- 313. UGC listed. ISSN No. 2319-7706
  18. M.Patil, J.Gavli, S.N.Patil and A.K.Sidhu Extracellular enzymatic activities of endophytic fungi isolated from various medicinal plants. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Science. 2015. 4 (3):1035-1042 UGC listed. ISSN No. 2319- 7706
  19. Amanpreet K. Sidhu, Sonal J Wani, PoonamTamboli and Sucheta N. Patil. In vitro evaluation of anti-diabetic activity of leaf and callus extracts of Costuspictus. International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research. 2014. 3(6):1622-1625 UGC listed.ISSN No. 2229-5518
  20. Korade Deepali, Puranik Sneha and Patil Sucheta. Larvicidal activity of rhamnolipids biosurfactant      produced by Stenotrophomonas maltophila. International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research. 2014. 5(4):60-62 UGC listed.ISSN No. 2229- 5518(Impact factor 1.4)
  21. Wani S.J., Kagdi I.A., Tamboli P.S., Nirmalkar V.S., Patil S.N. and Sidhu,A.K. Optimization of MS media for Callus and Suspension culture of Costuspictus. International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research.2014. 5(2):390-394 UGC listed.ISSN No. 2229-5518(Impact factor 1.4)
  22. Sidhu A.K., Agrawal S.B., Sable V.S., Patil S.N. andGaikwad V.B.Isolation of Colletotrich um gloeosporioides gr., a novel endophytic laccase producing fungus from the leaves of a medicinal plant, Piper betle. International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research. 2014. 5(2):1087 -1096 UGC listed.ISSN No. 2229-5518(Impact factor 1.4)
  23. Patil S.N. Pseudomonas aeruginosa WJ-l, A Potent Biosurfactant Producer: Exploring Enhanced Oil Recovery Under laboratory Conditions, International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research. 2013. 4 (11):971-982 UGC listed.ISSN No. 2229-5518(Impact factor 1.4)
  24. Jadhav V.D., Jadhav V.N., Bholay A.D. and Patil S.N. Influence of physical parameters, such as pH and temperature on biodegradation of dimethoate by Actinomycetes sp isolated from pesticide contaminated grape field soil from Nashik, Maharashtra, India. International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research. 2013. 4(11):96-101UGC listed.ISSN No. 2229-5518(Impact factor 1.4)
  25. Patil, S. N., Aglave,B.A., Pethkar,A.V. and Gaikwad V.B. Stenotrophomonaskoreensisa Novel Biosurfactant Producer for abatement of heavy metals from the environment. African Journal of Microbiology Reseach. 2012.6(24):5173-5178.UGC listed.ISSN No.1996-0808 (Impact factor 0.54)
  26. AglaveB. A.,Patil S. N., Dashputre A.S.andM.R Lotankar. M.R. Pseudomonas Putidaand Pseudomonas fluroscencepotent microorganism for Bioremediation of textile dyes. Asian Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Environmental Science. 2011. 3(4):1-4. UGC listed.ISSN No. 0972-3005
  27. Aglave B. A.,Patil, S. N., Tidke,P.B. and Pagare,R.S. Production, Purification and Study of Enzyme Activity of Lipase from AspergillusOryzaeandTrichoderma Viridae. Advances in Plant Sciences.2011. 24(1):291-294.UGC listed.ISSN No. 0970-3586
  1. Aglave, B. A., Patil, S. N., Joshi A.N. and Pagare,R.S. Extraction and Characterization of Tocopherol from Sunflower and Soyabean Oil. Advances in Plant Sciences. 2011. 24 (1), 299-301.UGC listed.ISSN No. 0970-3586
  2. Ghosh,P. G.; Patil S.N. and Aglave,B.A. Microbial Biodegradation of Orgnophosphate Pesticide. International Journal of Biotechnology and Biochemistry. 2010. 6(6): 871- 876.UGC listed.ISSN No.09732691
  3. Sapatnekar,M. N.; Patil S.N. and Aglave,B.A. Extraction of bacteriocin and study of it’s Antigonistic Assay. International Journal of Biotechnology and Biochemistry. 2010. 6(6): 865- 87 UGC listed. ISSN No. 097326
  4. Swateja S. Deshmukh, Padmini S.Wagh and Sucheta Patil. Study of Antimicrobial, Antioxidant and Photocatalytic Decolorization Activity of Bacteriologically Synthesized Zinc Oxide (ZnO) Nanoparticles . Research Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 2022. Vol 13 (03); 823-828 UGC listed .ISSN No.0976-1675
  5. Swateja S Deshmukh, Padmini S Wagh and Sucheta Patil. Extracellular Green Synthesis and Characterization of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles using Bacillus subtilis co authors- Research Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 2022 . Vol 13 (03); 349-353 UGC listed. ISSN No.0976-1675
  6. Padmini S Wagh, Swateja S Deshmukh and Sucheta Patil. Isolation of Rhizobacteria spp. and its effect on the Growth of Glycine max (L.) Merr. Research Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 2022.Vol-13 (03), 801-807 UGC listed. ISSN No.0976-1675
  7. Patil, S., Wagh, V., Patil, A., & Patel, P. Potential of Indigenous Rhizobacteria and the
    Consortium for Promoting the Growth of Sorghum bicolor (L.). Indian Journal of Agricultural
    Research, 1, 5.2022
  8. Pawar, A., Tipre, D., Patil, S., & Murty S. Microbial community analysis of onion (Allium Cepa)
    rhizospheric soil for selection of multitrait rhizobacteria. International journal of research
    and analytical review.2021
  9. Pawar, A., Patil, S., & Murty S. Study on production of plant growth promoters and mineral
    solubilization ability of indigenous rhizobacteria isolated from Allium Cepa. 2018.
  10. Duggirala Srinivas, M., Sheth Niraj, T., Pawar Ashruti, U., & Bhatt Nikhil, S. Isolation and
    Characterization of Bacteria from Dye Wastewater Treating Down Flow Fixed Film Reactor



Papers Published in International Journals

Dr. M.D. Shirke

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Journal Name Volume No Issue No. Year of Publication From Page To Page (pp)
1 Mahesh HB, Subba P, Advani J, Shirke Meghana Deepak, Loganathan RM, Chandana SL, Shilpa S, Chatterjee O, Pinto SM, Prasad TSK, Gowda M.

Multi-Omics Driven Assembly and Annotation of the Sandalwood (Santalum album) Genome. 

Plant Physiology  176 4 2018 2772-2788. 
2 Hittalmani, S., Mahesh, H.B., Shirke Meghana Deepak, Biradar, H., Uday, G., Aruna, Y.R., Lohithaswa, H.C., and Mohanrao, A. Genome and Transcriptome sequence of Finger millet (Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn.) provides insights into drought tolerance and nutraceutical properties.  BMC Genomics  465 18 2017  
3 Shirke Meghana Deepak, Mahesh, H.B., and Gowda, M.   Genome-Wide Comparison of Magnaporthe Species Reveals a Host-Specific Pattern of Secretory Proteins and Transposable Elements. PLOS ONE 11 9 2016 e0162458

Mahesh, H.B., Shirke Meghana Deepak, Singh, S., Rajamani, A., Hittalmani, S., Wang, G.L., and Gowda, M.  

Indica rice genome assembly, annotation and mining of blast disease resistance genes.  BMC Genomics   17   2016 242
Mahesh HB, Meghana Deepak Shirke, Shailaja H, Prasannakumar MK, Mahadevu P, Channabyregowda MVand Malali G.   
Acquisition of the Grasshopper Retro Transposon by Rice Magnaporthe Isolates Indicates a Dynamic Gene Flow between Rice and Non-Rice Magnaporthe Population  Journal of Pathology & Microbiology     2016  
Kuravadi, N.A., Yenagi, V., Rangiah, K., Mahesh, H.B., Rajamani, A., Shirke Meghana Deepak, Russiachand, H., Loganathan, R.M., Shankara Lingu, C., Siddappa, S., et al.
Comprehensive analyses of genomes, transcriptomes and metabolites of neem tree. PeerJ  3 e1066 2015  
7 Gowda, M., Shirke Meghana Deepak, Mahesh, H.B., Chandarana, P., Rajamani, A., and Chattoo, B.B. Genome analysis of rice-blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae field isolates from southern India.  Genomics data 5 5   2015 284-291



Dr. P.S. Wagh

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Journal Name Volume No Issue No. Year of Publication From Page To Page (pp)
1 Dr.Padmini Swapnil Wagh Isolation of Rhizobacteria spp. and its effect on the Growth of Glycine max (L.) Merr.

Research Journal of Agricultural Sciences -An International Journal

13 03 2022 801-807
2 Dr.Padmini Swapnil Wagh Extracellular Green Synthesis and Characterization of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles using Bacillus mycoides

Research Journal of Agricultural Sciences -An International Journal


13 02 2022 349-353
3 Dr.Padmini Swapnil Wagh

Study of Antimicrobial, Antioxidant and Photocatalytic Decolorization Activity of Bacteriologically Synthesized Zinc Oxide (ZnO) Nanoparticles


Research Journal of Agricultural Sciences -An International Journal

13 03 2022 823-828
4 Dr.Padmini Swapnil Wagh

Microbial Pigments: Natural Colorants and their Industrial Applications


International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences


10   2021 631-645
5 Dr.Padmini Swapnil Wagh

Isolation & characterization of bacteriocin production by locally isolated lactic acid bacteria from drainage of various dairies.


Acta Biologica Indica      2012 242-245


Mrs. S.A. Sayyed

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Journal Name Volume No Issue No. Year of Publication From Page To Page (pp)

Mrs. A.U. Pawar (Patil)

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Journal Name Volume No Issue No. Year of Publication From Page To Page (pp)


Mrs. V.K. Patil

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Journal Name Volume No Issue No. Year of Publication From Page To Page (pp)

Ms. A.D. Gangurde

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Journal Name Volume No Issue No. Year of Publication From Page To Page (pp)

Ms. V.G. Khatale

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Journal Name Volume No Issue No. Year of Publication From Page To Page (pp)

Ms. R.B. Gurgude

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Journal Name Volume No Issue No. Year of Publication From Page To Page (pp)

Ms. V.D. Arote

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Journal Name Volume No Issue No. Year of Publication From Page To Page (pp)

Papers Published in National Journals

Dr. M.D. Shirke

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Journal Name Volume No Issue No. Year of Publication From Page To Page (pp)

Dr. P.S. Wagh

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Journal Name Volume No Issue No. Year of Publication From Page To Page (pp)

Mrs. S.A. Sayyed

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Journal Name Volume No Issue No. Year of Publication From Page To Page (pp)

Mrs. A.U. Pawar (Patil)

Sr. No Name of Author(s)

Full Title of the Paper

Journal Name Volume No Issue No. Year of Publication From Page To Page (pp)
1 Ashruti Pawar,  Sharda patil,  Srinivas Murty Duggirala  Study on production of plant growth promoters and mineral solubilization ability of indigenous rhizobacteria isolated from allium cepa  International journal of research and analytical reviews 6  1  January 2019 138-143
2 Srinivas Murty , Nikhil Bhatt, Ashruti Pawar, Shailesh Dave.

  Isolation and Characterization of Bacteria from Dye Wastewater Treating Down Flow Fixed Film Reactor (DFFR)

International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology 2 10 October2013 2278-0181 


Mrs. V.K. Patil

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Journal Name Volume No Issue No. Year of Publication From Page To Page (pp)

Ms. A.D. Gangurde

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Journal Name Volume No Issue No. Year of Publication From Page To Page (pp)

Ms. V.G. Khatale

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Journal Name Volume No Issue No. Year of Publication From Page To Page (pp)

Ms. R.B. Gurgude

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Journal Name Volume No Issue No. Year of Publication From Page To Page (pp)

Ms. V.D. Arote

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Journal Name Volume No Issue No. Year of Publication From Page To Page (pp)

Paper Presented in International Conferences

Dr. M.D. Shirke

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Conference Name Conference held at Duration of Conference


Dr. P.S. Wagh

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Conference Name Conference held at Duration of Conference
1 Dr.Padmini Swapnil Wagh Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR): Plant Probiotic for sustainable Agriculture

International Multidisciplinary Conference on Recent Trends in

Environmental Science and Management

Department of Environmental Science & UGC-STRIDE Cell, KTHM College, Nashik, Maharashtra, India in collaboration with Brazil Chapter, International Youth 6th & 7th August 2021


Mrs. S.A. Sayyed

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Conference Name Conference held at Duration of Conference

Mrs. A.U. Pawar (Patil)

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Conference Name Conference held at Duration of Conference


Mrs. V.K. Patil

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Conference Name Conference held at Duration of Conference

Ms. A.D. Gangurde

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Conference Name Conference held at Duration of Conference

Ms. V.G. Khatale

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Conference Name Conference held at Duration of Conference

Ms. R.B. Gurgude

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Conference Name Conference held at Duration of Conference

Ms. V.D. Arote

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Conference Name Conference held at Duration of Conference

Paper Presented in National Conferences

Dr. M.D. Shirke

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Conference Name Conference held at Duration of Conference

Dr. P.S. Wagh

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Conference Name Conference held at Duration of Conference
1   PGPR for Sustainable Agriculture and Crop productivity   Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur (A.P) 2019
2   Isolation of Monocrotophos degrading fungi (Poster)   Jalgaon 2002


Mrs. S.A. Sayyed

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Conference Name Conference held at Duration of Conference

Mrs. A.U. Pawar (Patil)

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Conference Name Conference held at Duration of Conference




National conference on “Computer applications and use of recent techniques in science

Nashik 28/2/2018
2     5th Natinal Asian PGPR Conference Guntur 23/02/2019


Mrs. V.K. Patil

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Conference Name Conference held at Duration of Conference

Ms. A.D. Gangurde

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Conference Name Conference held at Duration of Conference

Ms. V.G. Khatale

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Conference Name Conference held at Duration of Conference

Ms. R.B. Gurgude

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Conference Name Conference held at Duration of Conference

Ms. V.D. Arote

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Conference Name Conference held at Duration of Conference
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