एम.व्ही.पी. समाजाचे

के. टी. एच. एम. महाविद्यालय, नाशिक

(के.आर.टी. कला, बी.एच. वाणिज्य व ए.एम. विज्ञान महाविद्यालय.)


K.T.H.M. COLLEGE, Nashik

(K.R.T. Arts, B.H. Commerce and A.M. Science College.)

Faculty Profile

Faculty Name :
Dr. S.S. Kshirsagar
Specialization :
Clinical Psychology
Date Of Birth :
Email :
Phone :
Mobile :
Address :
Flat No.31, Jairamkrishna Sankul,Gharpure Ghat,Ashokstambha, Nasik

  Qualification :

Sr No Degree University/Institution Grade Year of Passing Specialization
1 BA SPPU/KGDM College,Niphad First Class With Distinction 2008 Psychology
2 MA SPPU/Bhonsala Military College, Nasik First Class With Distinction 2011 Clinical Psychology
3 BEd SPPU/Vishwasattya College of Education,Ozar Mig First Class with Distinction 2009 English,History
4 SET SPPU Qualified 2010 Psychology
Sr. No Degree University / Institution Grade Year of Passing Specialization
1 B.A SPPU/KGDM College,Niphad First Class with distinction 2008 Psychology


 Experience :

Name  & Address of Employer Post Held Period of service Nature of Duties

1.G.D Sawant College,Nashik




Two Months






2.N.D.M.V.P. s K.T.H.M. College,Nashik Asst.Professor From 03/02/2012 to till date (12 years one month) Teaching


 Papers In International Refereed Journals :

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Journal Name Volume No Issue No. Year of Publication From Page To Page (pp)













Smt.Kshirsagar S.S




Smt.Kshirsagar S.S



Smt.Kshirsagar S.S.



Smt. Kshirsagar S.S. &S.B.Pawar

Psychology and its relation to teaching learning




A Comparitive Study of Emotional Intelligence And Achievement Motivation among science,arts and commerce faculty students

Krida va vyayam yat sahbhagi honarya va na honarya vyaktinchya vyaktimatacha tulanatmak abhyas

Importance of values in personality development in higher education


Global online Electronic International Interdisciplinary Research Journal (GOEIIRJ)







Indian journal of research studies in 
















I and II





FEB 2014











Page no.471-475






Page no.16




Page no.33



 Papers In National Refereed Journals :

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Journal Name Volume No Issue No. Year of Publication From Page To Page (pp)

 Papers In International Conference :

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Conference Name Conference held at Duration of Conference

 Papers In National Conferenc :

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Conference Name Conference held at Duration of Conference

 Conference/ Workshop Attended :

Sr. No Name of the Conference/ Symposium / Workshop International/ National Place Date Paper / poster Presentations (Give Title) / attended
1. Emerging trends and issues in research and development International M.S.G.College malegaon 17&18 feb.2016 Paper presented entitled Councelling a science of problem solving
2. Contributionn of positive psychology in 21th century  National  Arts,commerce and science college ,Lasalgaon  22 &23 Feb.2016 Paper presented entitled Relationship between spirituality and mental health
3. Psychological impact- Election and media National K.T.H.M.College ,Nashik 08 & 09 Jan.2016 Paper presented entitled psychological factors in political and voting behavior
4. Positive psychology - Challenges and scope National L.V.H.College,Nashik 09 &10  Jan.2015


 Major/ Minor Research Project :

Sr. No Name of the faculty Title of Project and File No. Name of funding agency Grant received (Rs) Minor/ Major Period

 Books Published :

1. Smt.S.S.Kshirsagar  -  General psychology -F.Y.B.A. -2013-14

2.Smt.S.S.Kshirsagar - N.D.M.V.P.Samajs VALUE EDUCATION book for 8th to 10th students (one chapter)

3. Write two chapters for M.A  course run by kavyitri bahinabai university,Jalgaon.

 Other :

  1. Working as YCMOU Counsellor for SYBA and TYBA course since 2012 to till date .
  2. Completed Certificate course in Human rights run by YCMOU,NASHIK.
  3. Done one monh course in counseling.
  4. Guided students for Avishkar  competition PG level.
  5. Participated in one day workshop  on work skills and prosocial behaviour development for senior and professional college teachers organized by MVPS Human resource development centre nashik .
  6. Working as an IGNOU Counsellor since 2022-23.
  7. Working as counselor for UG and PG courses(SODL).
  8. Participated in a three day workshop on frontiers in teaching learning methods organized by dept.of microbiology,KTHM College,nashik.
  9. Attended A Three day  enrichment programme on English for practical purposes organized by IQAC,KTHM College and Dept.of English,KTHM College.
  10. Attended webinars on various topics organized by various universities, colleges, institutes during corona pandemics.
  11. Completed swayam course of student psychology of two credits  on swayam portal. 
  12. Working as departmental criteria coordinator.
  13. Resouse person for Workshops on careers in Psychology for students organised by Sanvardhan psychology centre for Mental health wellbeing.
  14. Resourse person for Lecture series on stress management  organised by  Vivekanand college,Aurangabad.
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