एम.व्ही.पी. समाजाचे

के. टी. एच. एम. महाविद्यालय, नाशिक

(के.आर.टी. कला, बी.एच. वाणिज्य व ए.एम. विज्ञान महाविद्यालय.)


K.T.H.M. COLLEGE, Nashik

(K.R.T. Arts, B.H. Commerce and A.M. Science College.)

Botany Research & publication




Name of the Faculty

Research Papers Published

Total Publication


Edited Book






Dr. V.B. Kadam














Dr. D.S. Khandbahale







Mrs.S.V. Deore





















 Dr. S.M.Khan







 Dr. S.S.Shinde
















Name of the Recognized Research Guide

M.Phil./ Ph.D.

No of Ph.D. students Guided

No of M.Phil students Guided







   06 (Botany),

02 (Env.Sci.)




Dr. D.S.Khandbahale






 Dr. M.D.Sonawane

 M.Phil./ Ph.D.





 Dr. R.S.Saler


























1) Device to detect  residue on plants , Design No.- 372220-001 ,  Published - 13/01/2023   ( Dr.V.B.Kadam and  Dr.S.M.Khan)

2) Plant Vaccination device  ,  Design No.- 372991-001 , Published - 13/01/2023    ( Dr.V.B.Kadam and  Dr.S.M.Khan)

3) Multichambered Device to Perform Phytochemical Analysis, Design No.- 378965-001-  25/04/2023 ( Dr.V.B.Kadam,    Dr.K.M.Khalkar and Dr.D.S.Khandbahale)



(Books authorised by Dr.V.B.Kadam)

14) Life - Science book for NET/SET Examination - In press - Nirali Publication

13) Hand Book of Botany Practicals  - For T.Y.B.Sc. - Nirali  Prakashan , Pune - April,2022

12) Plant Physiology and Metabolism –Text Book  for  T.Y.B.Sc.- - Nirali  Prakashan , Pune- Feb., 2022

11) Chapter in Book - (Plant and Animal Diversity Research – Lambert Academic Publisher)-  Study of impact of seasonal variation in water quality on Planktons population found in river Godavari

10) Cell Biology and Genetics - ( 2014) Educational Publishers and Distributers, Delhi ISSN NO.978-93-80873-54-1

9) An Introduction to Botany -(19/7/13) (Diversity of Cryptogams II &Histology, Anatomy and Embryology Anand Publication, Aurangabad ISBN NO- 978-93-82202-11-0

8) Fundamentals of Botany-(19/7/13)(Diversityof Cryptogams I &Morphology ofAngiosperms-  Anand Publication, Aurangabad ISBN NO- 978-93-82202-10-3

7) In Vitro Phytopathology (Laboratory Manual of Plant Pathology) - (2012) LAP Lambert Academic Publication ISBN-13: 3659345531

6) Exercises in Plant Pathology-(30/9/2011) -Ayesha Publication, Aurangabad

5) Microbiology and Disease Management-(30/9/2011) -Ayesha Publication, Aurangabad

4)Taxonomy of Angiosperms and Plant Ecology-(25/12/2010) -Anand Publication, Aurangabad

3) Hand Book of Practical Botany-(2011) Anand Publication, Aurangabad

2) Fundamentals of Botany - (25/5/2010) Diversity of Cryptogams I &Morphologyof Angiosperms-Anand Publication, Aurangabad


1)Introduction in Botany–( 27/5/2010) Diversity of Cryptogams II &Histology, Anatomy and Embryology -Anand Publication, Aurangabad



Papers Published in International Journals

Dr. Shrikant (Kantu) Madhavrao Khalkar

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Journal Name Volume No Issue No. Year of Publication From Page To Page (pp)
1 Kantu M. Khalkar Biochemical profile of Boswellia serrata and Rhus mysorensis Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics (JDDT) 11 4 2021 131 to 133


Kantu M. Khalkar The Impact of Distillery Effluents on Fertility of Soil and Growth Characteristics of Cajanus cajan L. (Pigeon pea). International Journal of Researches in Biosciences, Agriculture and Technology Special Issue 17 2021 627 to 633
3 Kantu M. Khalkar & V. B. Kadam Biochemical Evaluation of Some Liverworts Pigments and Phenolics Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics (JDDT) 11 4 2021 78 to 80
4 Kantu M. Khalkar & K.N.Gaikwad Studies on effect of Distillery effluents on growth characteristics  and Rhizosphere mycoflora of Glycine max L.( Soybean) IJRAR INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH AND ANALYTICAL REVIEWS (IJRAR) 8 2 2021 Online
5 Kantu M. Khalkar & K.N.Gaikwad Comparative study of Rhizosphere Mycoflora of Onion crop in the Chadwad Tehsil of Nashik District. IJRAR INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH AND ANALYTICAL REVIEWS (IJRAR) 8 2 2021 Online
6 Kantu M. Khalkar & K.N.Gaikwad Impact of  Distillery effluents on growth characteristics of  Capscicum annum L. ( Chilly )plant IJRAR INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH AND ANALYTICAL REVIEWS (IJRAR) 8 2 2021 Online
7 Kantu M. Khalkar & K.N.Gaikwad Study of Rhizosphere Mycoflora of Onion from Chadwad Tehsil of Nashik District.(M.S.) IJRAR INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH AND ANALYTICAL REVIEWS (IJRAR) 8 2 2021 Online
8 Kantu M. Khalkar and R. S. Saler Impact of distillery effluents on soil and growth characteristics of Arachis hypogaea L. plant Bionano Frontier 9 2 2016 311 to 314
9 Kantu M. Khalkar and R. S. Saler Impact of Distillery effluents on growth characteristics  and Rhizosphere mycoflora of Allium cepa L.( Onion) Bionano Frontier 8 3 2015 125 to 127
10 Kantu M. Khalkar and R. S. Saler Impact of Distillery effluents on growth characteristics  and Rhizosphere mycoflora of Allium cepa L.( Onion) Journal of Basic Sciences - - 2015 Online



Mr. Rajendra Karbhari Patil

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Journal Name Volume No Issue No. Year of Publication From Page To Page (pp)

Dr. Dnyaneshwar Meera Shivaji Khandbahale

1. Ambient Air Quality Monitoring in Nashik City, Maharashtra, India, BIONANO FRONTIER, Vol. 6, Issue 02., 2013, P.N. 306-309

2. Effect of Vehicular Pollution on Leaf Epidermis and Leaf Cuticle of some Road side Plants, BIONANO FRONTIER, Vol. 6, Issue 02., 2013, P.N. 615-618

3. Therapeutic and Nutritional Delination of Dioscorea bulbifera L., International Journal of Current Research in Biosciences and Plant Biology., Vol. 1, Issue 12., 2018, P.N. 85-95

4. Ambient Air Quality Monitoring in Nashik City 2017, (Maharashtra, India), Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics.,  Vol. 9, Issue 04., 2019, P.N. 1111-1117

5. Study of Rhizosphere mycoflora of Onion from Chandwad tehsil of Nashik district (M.S.), International Journal of Research and Analytical Review, Volume 8, Issue  2 June 202, Vol. 8, Issue 02., 2021, P.N. 215-220

6. Impact of distillery effluents on growth characteristics of Capscicum annum L. (Chilly) plant, International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR), Volume 8, Issue  2 June 2021, Vol. 8, Issue 02., 2021, P.N. 244-249

7. Ethnobotanical survey on folk medicinal plants of Igatpuri Tehsil, district Nasik, Maharashtra state., International Journal of Botany Studies., Vol. 7, Issue 02., 2022, P.N. 362-367

8. Investigation of ‘African tulip tree-calyx water’ as a novelSource water, food and medicine., Science, Technology And Development Journal., Vol. 11, Issue 02., 2022, P.N. 442-451

9. Nutritional profiling of wild edible fruits of Meyna laxiflora Robyns., International Journal of Botany Studies., Vol. 07, Issue 02., 2022, P.N. 368-373

10. Preliminary Phytochemical analysis and Antimicrobial Potential of Terminalia arjuna (Roxb)Wight &Arn., International Journal of Botany Studies.,  Vol. 07, Issue 03., 2022, P.N. 136-141

11. Ethanomedicinal potential of Salher-Mulher forest Nashik district (Maharashtra)., International Journal of Botany Studies.,  Vol. 07, Issue 03., 2022, P.N. 68-71


Dr. Sonali Vishnu Deore

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Journal Name Volume No Issue No. Year of Publication From Page To Page (pp)
1. Sonali Vishnu Deore Extended distribution of two endemic epiphytes from the Western Ghats to the Deccan plateau Journal of Threatened Taxa 13  14 2021 20258-20260
2. Sonali Vishnu Deore Additional distributional records of Pogostemon heyneanus benth and Orthisiphon thymiflorus (Roth) Sleesen family lamiaceae to the Flora of Nashik district, from Kalwan Tehsil, district, Nashik (Maharashtra) International Journal of Botany studies 6 5 2021 1142 - 1144
3. Sonali Vishnu Deore Scientific Validation of Kalanchoe integra (Medik.) Kuntze (Crassulaceae) leaves used as ethno-medicine made by Kokna Tribe of Kalwan Tehsil district Nashik (M.S.) India International Journal Of Botany Studies 7 3 2022 199 - 202


Dr. Nisha Sopan Rayate

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Journal Name Volume No Issue No. Year of Publication From Page To Page (pp)
01 Kapadi M.R. (Rayate Nisha Sopan) and Patel S.I. Aeromycological approach of some fungal diseases on Tomato crop (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) at Nashik, India 422007 Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics 9 3 2019 329-331
02 Kapadi M.R. (Rayate  Nisha Sopan) Dr. N. B. Pawar

"Aeromycological Investigations on some fungal diseases over Zea mays (Maize) field from Niphad Tehsil of Nashik District, Maharashtra".


International Journal of Botany Studies 7 4 2022 1-4
03 Kapadi M.R. (Rayate Nisha Sopan) and Dr. N. B. Pawar
Incidence of Airborne Spores in Context to Fungal Diseases on Glycine max L. (Soybean) from Niphad Tehsil of Nashik District, Maharashtra


Dr.Bidve Sucheta Chandrakant

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Journal Name Volume No Issue No. Year of Publication From Page To Page (pp)
1 Bidve S.C. &kadam V.B. Antibacterial activity of leaves and bark of Aegiceras corniculatum L International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Bioscience 6 4 2017 77-185
2 Bidve S.C. &kadam V.B., Malpathak N.,  Antioxidant potential of  bark  and eaves extracts of mangrove plant Aegiceras corniculatum L World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 6 13 2017 495-505
3 Bidve S.C. &Malpathak N. Phytochemical Analysis of different extracts of Mangrove plant Aegiceras corniculatum L.(Blanco) by using thin layer chromatoghraphy Flora and fauna 32 2 2017 294-299
4 Bidve S.C. & Malpathak N., kadam V.B. Metabolite profiling and principle component analysis of mangrove plant Aegiceras corniculatum L International Journal of Pharmaceutics and Pharmacology 2 1 2018 1-9
5 Bidve S.C. &Auti S. G Phytochemical analysis of extracts of Pinda concanensis and Heracleum grande Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics 11 6-s 2021 101-103
6 Bidve S.C. &Auti S. G. A comparative analysis of effect of solvent and extraction technique on recovery of bioactive compounds from different plant parts of Pinda concanensis Plant Archives 21 1 2021 901-914


Shweta Nandkumar Burhade

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Journal Name Volume No Issue No. Year of Publication From Page To Page (pp)

Dr. Shazeen Mohammad Khan

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Journal Name Volume No Issue No. Year of Publication From Page To Page (pp)
1.  Shazeen Khan and Vasant Kadam Estimation of protein and amino acid content of Adansonia digitata and Bombax ceiba Science Archives 2 1 2021 65-67
2. Shazeen Khan and Vasant Kadam Histochemical investigation of Bombax ceiba leaflet International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews 6 2 2019 504-511
3. Kadam Vasant, Khan Shazeen and Khairnar Nitin Seasonal variation of lipid and alkaloid content in various parts of Aegle marmelos (L.) Corr. Research Journey 98   2019 88-91
4. Rahul Gaykhe, Shazeen Khan and Vasant Kadam Biochemical Profile of Senna tora Linn. International Journal of Biomedical Investigation 1 3 2018 1-4
5. Rahul Gaykhe, Shazeen Khan and Vasant Kadam Determination of water, ether and alcohol soluble extractives of Senna tora World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 7 17 2018 1406-1410


Dr. Smita Deepak Shinde

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Journal Name Volume No Issue No. Year of Publication From Page To Page (pp)
1 Dr.B.D.Garud &Smita Shinde New Additions to the flora of Nasik district,Maharashtra(India) International Journal of Botany Studies 3 4 2018 37-38
2. Dr.B.D.Garud Ethnobotanical Studyof Medicinal plants used by traditional users to treat Urinary Diseases in Peth taluka of Nasik District,Maharashtra,India International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews 7 2 2020 275-277
3. Dr.S.D.Shinde &P.D.Mahajan Ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants used byTraditional users to treat fever,bronchitis and asthma of Surgana tehsil,Dist.Nashik,Maharashtra,India International Journal of Novel Research and Development 7 5 2022 129-136
4 Smita Deepak Shinde Phytochemical Analysis of few Plants from Tribakeshwar and Surgana Forest,Nashik District,Maharashtra,India International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management 3 7 2021 334-3347
5 Smita Deepak Shinde Phytochemical analysis of rare plants from Surgana forest,Nasik district,Maharashtra,India International Journal of Academic Research and Development 4 1 2019 118-121



Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Journal Name Volume No Issue No. Year of Publication From Page To Page (pp)

Miss. Devayani Gulabrao Nerkar

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Journal Name Volume No Issue No. Year of Publication From Page To Page (pp)

Mr. Kiran Uttamrao Gaikwad

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Journal Name Volume No Issue No. Year of Publication From Page To Page (pp)
1 Kiran U. Gaikwad Studies on wild plant species used by tribal people of Shirpur Tehsil Dist. Dhule in their traditional food items. International Journal of Research and Analytical Review Volume 6 Issue 1 Jan.– March 2019 464 - 467
2 K. U. Gaikwad & K. N. Gaikwad Community Structure of Diatoms about the Physicochemical Parameter of River Darna in Igatpuri Tehsil of Nashik District Research Journal of Agricultural Sciences An International Journal Volume: 13  Issue 06 Nov 2022 1752 - 1755
3 K. U. Gaikwad & K. N. Gaikwad Effect of Seasonal Variation on the Diversity of Algae in Kadwa Dam in Igatpuri Tehsil of Nashik district of Maharashtra Research Journal of Agricultural Sciences An International Journal Volume 14 Issue 02 Mar-Apr 2023 505 - 508


Mr. Vinod Babaji Thombare

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Journal Name Volume No Issue No. Year of Publication From Page To Page (pp)

Papers Published in National Journals

Dr. Shrikant (Kantu) Madhavrao Khalkar

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Journal Name Volume No Issue No. Year of Publication From Page To Page (pp)


Mr. Rajendra Karbhari Patil

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Journal Name Volume No Issue No. Year of Publication From Page To Page (pp)

Dr. Sonali Vishnu Deore

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Journal Name Volume No Issue No. Year of Publication From Page To Page (pp)

Dr. Nisha Sopan Rayate

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Journal Name Volume No Issue No. Year of Publication From Page To Page (pp)

Dr.Bidve Sucheta Chandrakant

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Journal Name Volume No Issue No. Year of Publication From Page To Page (pp)

Shweta Nandkumar Burhade

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Journal Name Volume No Issue No. Year of Publication From Page To Page (pp)

Dr. Shazeen Mohammad Khan

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Journal Name Volume No Issue No. Year of Publication From Page To Page (pp)

Dr. Smita Deepak Shinde

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Journal Name Volume No Issue No. Year of Publication From Page To Page (pp)


Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Journal Name Volume No Issue No. Year of Publication From Page To Page (pp)

Miss. Devayani Gulabrao Nerkar

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Journal Name Volume No Issue No. Year of Publication From Page To Page (pp)

Mr. Kiran Uttamrao Gaikwad

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Journal Name Volume No Issue No. Year of Publication From Page To Page (pp)

Mr. Vinod Babaji Thombare

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Journal Name Volume No Issue No. Year of Publication From Page To Page (pp)

Paper Presented in International Conferences

Dr. Shrikant (Kantu) Madhavrao Khalkar

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Conference Name Conference held at Duration of Conference
1 Kantu M. Khalkar and R. S. Saler Impact of distillery effluents on soil and growth characteristics of Arachis hypogaea L. plant International Conference on Nutrigenomics & Nutrigenetics K. T. H. M. College, Nashik. January 2016
2 Kantu M. Khalkar Effect of distillery effluents on Rizosphere Mycoflora of Lens culinaris Medic (Masur) International Conference on Biodiversity and its Conservation Modern College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Pune January 2011
3 Kantu M. Khalkar Studies on impact of distillery effluents on soil and growth characteristics of Trachyspermum ammi (Ajwan) plant. International Conference on Climate Change and its Effect on Environment, Food & Society (ICCEFS-2021) Arts, Commerce & Science College, Sonai Tal: Newasa, Dist: Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India, June 2021
4 Kantu M. Khalkar and R. S. Saler Impact of Distillery effluents on growth characteristics  and Rhizosphere mycoflora of Solanum melongena L. (Brinjal)Plant. Bionano Frontier, International Conf.On, Emerging Trends and Challenges in Science and Technology. Bangkok-10500. Bangkok, Thailand. November 2014
5 Kantu M. Khalkar Studies on Bio-Physicochemical Properties of Water Calyx Fluid in the Spathodea campanulata P. Beauv. Two-Day International E-Conference on Current Research in Applied and Fundamental Sciences - 2021 Sandip University, Nashik 12 and 13 July 2021


Mr. Rajendra Karbhari Patil

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Conference Name Conference held at Duration of Conference

Dr. Dnyaneshwar Meera Shivaji Khandbahale

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Conference Name Conference held at Duration of Conference
1 D S Khandbahale
Floristic Diversity of Santosha Hill,
Nashik, Maharashtra: A mining Prone Site

XXXI Annual Conference of IAAT 

Bhandardara, Maharashtra  19-21 Jan 2022
2 D S Khandbahale Investigation of ‘African tulip tree-calyx water’ as a novelSource water, food and medicine

XXXII Annual Conference of IAAT 

Dharwad, Karnataka 19-21 Jan 2022


Dr. Sonali Vishnu Deore

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Conference Name Conference held at Duration of Conference
1. Sonali Vishnu Deore Diversity of Ethnomedicinally important Climbers in kalwan Tehsil District Nashik (M.S)

International Coference on 

Quality Assurance and Phytochemical Approaches in Traditional Medicine

SMBT Institue,Nandihills, Dhamangaon, Tal Igatpuri, Dist. Nashik. 10th, 11th January 2020
2. Sonali Vishnu Deore Diversity of Geophytes from Kalwan Tehsil, district Nashik Maharashtra, India. International Conference on Cimate Change and its Effect on Enviornment, Food & Society Art's, Commerce & Science College, Sonai Tal. Newasa, Dist. Ahmednagar 15th, 16th June 2021


Dr. Nisha Sopan Rayate

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Conference Name Conference held at Duration of Conference
1. Kapadi M.R. (Rayate Nisha Sopan) Dr. N. B. Pawar

“Aeromycological Investigation on Glycine max L. (Soybean) from Niphad tehsil of Nashik district, Maharashtra”.

International Conference on Current Research in Applied and Fundamental Sciences-2021 (CRAFTS-2021).

Sandip University, Nashik.

12th and 13th July 2021.

2. Kapadi M.R. (Rayate Nisha Sopan) Dr. N. B. Pawar

“Aeromycological Investigation on Zea mays (Maize) from Niphad Tehsil of Nashik District, Maharashtra.”

“New Trends in Science and Technology (NTST- 2021)”.

New Arts, Commerce and Science College, Parner.

5th -6th August,2021


Dr.Bidve Sucheta Chandrakant

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Conference Name Conference held at Duration of Conference
1 Bidve S.C. &kadam V.B. Phytochemical Analysis of different extracts of Mangrove plant Aegiceras corniculatum L.(Blanco) by using thin layer chromatoghraphy Industry, Academia, and Environmental Changes organized by Rayat Shikshan Sanstha’s Radhabai Kale College, AhemednagerIndustry, Academia, and Environmental Changes organized by Rayat Shikshan Sanstha’s Radhabai Kale College, Ahemednager Rayat Shikshan Sanstha’s Radhabai Kale College, Ahemednage 22th-23rd December 2017
2 Bidve S.C. &kadam V.B. Metabolite profiling in  Mangrove plant Aegiceras corniculatum L.(Blanco). International conference on "Advances in Functional Materials" organized by Department of Chemistry, K.T.H.M. College, Nashik K.T.H.M. College, Nashik

12-13 January 2017.

3 Bidve S.C. &Auti S. G Comparative analysis of amount of proteins and carbohydrates from Pinda concanensis and Heracelum grande Analytical techniques and opportunities in Life sciences at HPT Arts & RYK science college Nashik. HPT Arts & RYK science college Nashik. 1 & 2 Feb.2020
4 Bidve S.C. &Auti S. G

Methods for extraction of Bioactive compounds from  Pinda concenensis  an endemic plants of Western Ghats

Climate change and its effect on biodiversity, commerce and economics at Arts, science and commerce college, sonai, Newasa, Ahmednager  

Arts, science and commerce college, sonai, Newasa, Ahmednager   28-29 Feb. 2020.


Shweta Nandkumar Burhade

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Conference Name Conference held at Duration of Conference
1. Shweta N. Burahade and Dr. Abhijeet Kulkarni Isolation of fungal endophytes from Solanum xanthocarpum L. Biotechnology in conservation and sustainable development Modern College, Pune 1st Feb to 3rd Feb 2022


Dr. Shazeen Mohammad Khan

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Conference Name Conference held at Duration of Conference
1. Shazeen Khan and Vasant Kadam Seasonal variation of nutritive values in various parts of Adansonia digitata and Bombax ceiba.
2nd International Conference on Climate Change and
Its Effect on Environment, Food & Society ICCCEFS-2021
Arts, Commerce and Science College, Sonai, Tal. Newasa, Dist. Ahmadnagar, Maharashtra 15th - 16th June 2021
2. Shazeen Khan  Seasonal Variation of Secondary Metabolite Content in Adansonia digitata International Conference on Current Research in Applied and Fundamental Sciences - 2021 Sandip University, Nashik 12th - 13th July 2021


Dr. Smita Deepak Shinde

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Conference Name Conference held at Duration of Conference


Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Conference Name Conference held at Duration of Conference

Miss. Devayani Gulabrao Nerkar

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Conference Name Conference held at Duration of Conference

Mr. Kiran Uttamrao Gaikwad

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Conference Name Conference held at Duration of Conference
1 Kiran Gaikwad Diversity of Diatoms in the River Darna of Igatpuri tehsil of Nashik District. International Conference on Environment Development & Sustainability.  Dept. of Botany Athalye-Sapre-Pitre College, Devrukh, Ratnagiri. 29 & 30 March 2022


Mr. Vinod Babaji Thombare

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Conference Name Conference held at Duration of Conference


Paper Presented in National Conferences

Dr. Shrikant (Kantu) Madhavrao Khalkar

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Conference Name Conference held at Duration of Conference
1 Kantu M. Khalkar Studies on effect of distillery effluents on Rizosphere Mycoflora of Capsicum Annum L. (Chilly) National Conference on Climate Change and Challenges in Biodiversity Conservation Fergusson College, Pune December 2009


Mr. Rajendra Karbhari Patil

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Conference Name Conference held at Duration of Conference

Dr. Dnyaneshwar Meera Shivaji Khandbahale

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Conference Name Conference held at Duration of Conference


Dr. Sonali Vishnu Deore

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Conference Name Conference held at Duration of Conference

Dr. Nisha Sopan Rayate

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Conference Name Conference held at Duration of Conference

Dr.Bidve Sucheta Chandrakant

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Conference Name Conference held at Duration of Conference
1 Bidve S.C. Phytochemical analysis and evolution of antioxidant potential of mangrove plant Aegiceras corniculatum (L.) Blanco Exploring Strategies for Enhancement of SEcondary Metabolites In medicinal Plants University of pune 13-14th Feb. 2013


Shweta Nandkumar Burhade

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Conference Name Conference held at Duration of Conference

Dr. Shazeen Mohammad Khan

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Conference Name Conference held at Duration of Conference
1. Shazeen Khan Seasonal variation of lipid and alkaloid content in various parts of Aegle marmelos (L.) Corr. Biodiversity Conservation-Present Scenario and Future Perspective Kr.V.N.Naik Arts, Commerce and Science College, Nashik 18th-19th Jan 2019


Dr. Smita Deepak Shinde

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Conference Name Conference held at Duration of Conference


Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Conference Name Conference held at Duration of Conference

Miss. Devayani Gulabrao Nerkar

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Conference Name Conference held at Duration of Conference

Mr. Kiran Uttamrao Gaikwad

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Conference Name Conference held at Duration of Conference
1 Kiran Gaikwad Studies of the Diversity of Cyanophycean Algae at Mukane dam in Igatpuri Tehsil of Nashik district, Maharashtra, India. National Conference on Current Challenges & Future Scope in Life Sciences
Dept. Of Botany & Zoology Shivchhatrapati College, Aurangabad. 25 March 2023


Mr. Vinod Babaji Thombare

Sr. No Name of Author(s) Full Title of the Paper Conference Name Conference held at Duration of Conference
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