एम.व्ही.पी. समाजाचे

के. टी. एच. एम. महाविद्यालय, नाशिक

(के.आर.टी. कला, बी.एच. वाणिज्य व ए.एम. विज्ञान महाविद्यालय.)


K.T.H.M. COLLEGE, Nashik

(K.R.T. Arts, B.H. Commerce and A.M. Science College.)

Start-Up & Innovation Cell

About the Cell: As per the guidelines received from Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune “Start-Up & Innovation Cell” is established in the KTHM College on 25 June 2019, to nurture student start up firms during their initial period.


Objective: To create, support and nurture a vibrant start-up ecosystem in college level by encouraging students through a supportive environment that helps them to establish their business ideas and develop their concepts into market ready products.


Composition of the Cell (Team Members):

Sr.No. Name Designation
1 Dr. V. B. Gaikwad Principal
2 Dr. Amol B. Rahane Head, Startup and innovation Cell
3 Dr. Anirudh P. Bhagat Coordinator, Startup and innovation Cell
4 Ms. Supriya Vivek Member
5 Ms. Sonali V. Deore Member
6 Ms. Swateja S. Deshmukh Member
7 Ms. Shazeen M. Khan Member
8 Mr. Pratik V. Shinde Member
9 Mr. Nitin K. Jadhav Member
10 Mr. Manas Gajare Industry Member
11 Mr. Vishal Gawade Industry Member


Contact Information:

Sr.No. Name Designation Contact No.
1 Dr. Amol B. Rahane
Dept. of Physics
Head, Startup and innovation Cell Telephone (O) 91-253-2571376 Ext.No. 231
Email: amolrahane@kthmcollege.ac.in
2 Dr. Anirudh P. Bhagat
Dept. of Zoology
Coordinator, Startup and innovation Cell Email: anirudhpbhagat@gmail.com



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