एम.व्ही.पी. समाजाचे

के. टी. एच. एम. महाविद्यालय, नाशिक

(के.आर.टी. कला, बी.एच. वाणिज्य व ए.एम. विज्ञान महाविद्यालय.)


K.T.H.M. COLLEGE, Nashik

(K.R.T. Arts, B.H. Commerce and A.M. Science College.)

Alumina Registration and Feedback Form

Feedback about College

  • * 1.  Do you feel proud to be associated with K.T.H.M College as alumnus/alumna?
  • * 2.  Do you feel that college has played a key role in your development?
  •    3.  Are you willing to contribute to the development of the college?
  •          If Yes, in what way you would like to contribute?
  •    4.  Rate the quality of the following services/facilities during your tenure as student
    * a. College Campus
    * b. Administrative Facilities
    * c. Laboratories and Equipments
    * d. Library Facilities
    * e. Canteen Facility
    * f. Sports Facility
    * g. Quality of Education
    * h. Teachers Contribution in your professional Development
    * i. Overall Rating
  • * What is your overall opinion about College/Department?

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